Research for bonuses

You can find the menu "Research" between the "quick buttons". The completion of these researches provide a permanent bonus for your character.You can request notifications for the researches, so that you will receive a private message if you can deliver an item. The researches play a very important role in the upgrading process of your character! In this guide you will find the information you need for these(eg: what kind of item and how much needs to be delivered, how often can it be done, what reward it gives).

List of the total permanent bonuses what you will get, if you complete all missions:
Bonus Amount
Defense +50
Attack value +100
Attack speed +35%
MAX HP +22000
HP regeneration +20%
Chance of critical hit +10%
Chance of blackout +5%
Strength against stones +25%
Defense against other players +70%
Strength against Half-humans +115%
Strength against Animals +15%
Strength against Ork +15%
Strength against Undead +15%
Strength against Devil +15%
Strength against Monsters +166%
Cast speed +40%